AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme, University of Kent and Theos present:
Big Society or Global Village? Religious NGOs, Civil Society and the United Nations
28th November, 6.30-8.30pm Church House, Dean’s Yard, London, SW1P 3NZ.
What has religion got to do with the UN? How are religious NGOs shaping UN policies? Which religions and which issues? Can national civil society ignore the global realities of UN diplomacy?
Professor Jeremy Carrette (Religious Studies), Professor Hugh Miall (Politics and International Relations) and Dr Sophie Trigeaud (Religious Studies), all of the University of Kent, UK, will present findings of a three-year study on religious NGOs and the United Nations and discuss the role of religion in global civil society.
Chair: Professor Jeff Haynes, London Metropolitan University
Respondents: Elizabeth Oldfield, Director of Theos Think Tank, Carrie Pemberton Ford, Director of the Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking