New degree programme: Global Philosophies BA (Hons)

1 June 2018

The Department of Religious Studies is delighted to announce the launch of its new degree programme BA (Hons) in Global Philosophies, to begin in September 2018.

Global Philosophies provides an exciting, innovative opportunity to engage with intellectual thought from around the world. The programme offers a global approach to philosophical study with modules drawing not only on European or Western thought, but also on traditions originating in Asia, Africa and the Middle East from antiquity to the present day.

Professor Richard King, Head of the Department of Religious Studies, said of the programme: ‘The University of Kent is one of the few places in the country where students can study the wide variety of philosophical traditions that make up our global cultural heritage. This new degree provides an international focus for the study of intellectual thought around the world, both ancient and contemporary.’

For more details about the programme, please see the page here: