Amalia Arvaniti, Professor of Linguistics in the Department of English Language & Linguistics, has been announced as one the keynote speakers for the 19th International Conference of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), to be held in Melbourne next year.
The International Congress of Phonetic Sciences is held every four years and provides an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of basic and applied research in the phonetic sciences. The previous four conferences have attracted between 800 and 1,000 participants.
Amalia’s keynote is provisionally titled ‘Variation and Variability in Intonation’, and will focus on what we have learned about the nature and structure of intonation from cross-linguistic research; it will address what is systematic variation in intonation and what is incidental variability, and how the two should be handled by formal models of intonational phonology and models of speech production.
Further information about the conference can be found here: