Film director Vito Zagarrio at Kent

29 January 2018

The Department of Modern Languages is delighted to be hosting Italian film maker Professor Vito Zagarrio this term, as part of a Visiting Professorship to the University of Kent by the Leverhulme Trust.

Professor Zagarrio is one of Italy’s leading and most prolific film scholars, the author of a dozen monographs and the editor of over thirty edited collections, including books on the cinema of the Fascist era and on Italian cinema of the Nineties and the New Millennium. He is a recognised expert on Italian cinema; film, history and the representation of Fascism; classical and contemporary Hollywood filmmakers; and film direction and the Italian film industry. He is also an established filmmaker with three feature-length films, nine medium-length/television fiction films and over three dozen documentary and compilation films to his credit. His directorial credits include La donna della luna (1987), Bonus Malus (1993) and Tre giorni d’anarchia (2005). He is currently Professor of Cinema and Television at the University of Rome 3.

During his time at Kent, Professor Zagarrio will be presenting seminars for students on the modules History of Italian Cinema and Italian Regional Cinema, as well as meeting PhD students in Italian and Film at Kent, as well as giving a workshop for the Filmmaking Practice MA.

He will be delivering the following Leverhulme Lectures at Kent:

7 February 2018
Leverhulme Lecture: Towards a Theory of Mise-en-Scene: Analysing Film Direction in Hollywood Cinema
For more details, please see the events page here:

28 March 2018
A Certain Tendency of Italian Cinema: Filming Italy in the New Millennium
For more details, please see the events page here:

On the 20 March, he will also be presenting a Q&A on his film Tre giorni d’anarchi (Three Days of Anarchy, 2006) as part of an evening course, ‘Contemporary European Cinema’ held at Kent. For more information, and to book on this course, please see the page:

And finally, over the 12/13 April, he will present a paper at the British Association of Film Television and Screen Studies annual conference, to be held in Woolfe College at Kent, entitled ‘Revolutions/Mutations: The Digital Revolution and Post-Modern Commitment’. For more information, please see: