Our new programme in Human Biology and Behaviour is a unique and exciting course that explores what it means to be human, equipping you with a suite of transferable skills and advanced training in research methods that prepares you to be strongly competitive for employment opportunities or for further study.
Dr Sarah Johns, Reader in Evolutionary Anthropology
“We are excited to launch our new programme in Human Biology and Behaviour. Uniquely, this programme combines biological anthropology with human biology and psychology. During your degree, you will cover a variety of interesting topics such as sex, death, evolution, human anatomy, disease, physiology, hormones, behaviour, and forensics.
When you graduate you will have a complete understanding of humans, our evolution and biology, as well as a comparative perspective of the relationship between humans and our closest living relatives – the primates, as well as our fossil ancestors.
The modules we offer are taught by expert researchers and are a mix of lectures, seminars, one-to-one tutorials, and engaging labs and practicals. You will be given training in the scientific method and data analysis techniques – transferable skills that will help you gain future employment – and you will have the opportunity to carry out your own research under expert guidance as part of your final year dissertation.
Quite simply if you want to know more about humans, how we evolved, and why we behave in the ways we do, then this is the ideal course is for you.”
Dr Devin Finaughty, Lecturer in Biological Anthropology
“Understanding people, the decisions they make, why they make them, and how those decisions modulate interpersonal relationships, is a core component of business and fundamental knowledge on human biology and psychology forms the foundation of many advanced scientific and technical studies of our species. As such, having a broad and integrated understanding of humans will position you to take advantage of a wide array of employment and/or further education opportunities.”
“One of the key strengths of our Human Biology and Behaviour degree is the holistic presentation of our knowledge of ourselves as a species. By viewing and considering humans through various disciplinary lenses, you will develop a uniquely integrated understanding of how the interactions between our biology and psychology form and mediate our behaviours, and how these, in turn, shape new changes to our biology and psychology. This feedback loop is integral to our species’ incredible adaptability which, as you will come to learn, has been one of the most important forces driving our evolution.”