The paper headline reads, ‘One man and his frog’. The article published on 12th April in the Plymouth Sunday Independent charts Wayne Edward’s journey to his PhD at DICE where he is studying the critically endangered golden mantella frog.
Wayne’s supervisor, Professor Richard Griffiths, successfully received a Darwin Initiaive grant to fund research on the implementation of CITES in Madagascar. Wayne’s PhD links with this research project as he aims to use monitoring of the large group of captive golden mantella at Paignton Zoo’s Amphibian Ark to inform the partners in Madagascar as they seek to locate suitable areas to restore habitat and breeding ponds.
You can read the article here (with permission of Plymouth Sunday Independent).
Please read these associated articles about Wayne’s research:
BBC Earth: Uncovering the golden mantella’s secret life
Western Morning News: Pictures: Scientists use ‘froggotrons’ in race to save rare frogs
Herald Express: Rain forest research trip for Paignton Zoo scientist