A new academic year at Kent, and the CBCD is growing and changing!
First, founding Director Professor Roy Ellen retired as of October 1st.
He will become the Director of the Ethnobiology Lab and be on a part-time post till 2014. Trying to fill his very large shoes will be Dr. Raj Puri who has taken over as CBCD Director, as well as convenor of the Ethnobotany and Environmental Anthropology Postgraduate Programmes.
Dr Miguel Alexiades, Dr Anna Waldstein, Professor Michael Fischer, Professor Patricia Howard, Dr Dave Roberts, Dr Rachel Kaleta will be leading the teaching and supervising of this year’s masters programmes.
Reka Komaromi, an Ethnobotany MSc alum, joins us as well to organize this year’s fieldtrips.
Dr Helen Newing is on study leave.
Dr Pablo Dominguez, our Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (UAB), will be between Morocco and Kent over the coming year, a description of his work can be found under current research projects.
Dr Bernadette Montanari recently completed her doctoral thesis and joins the CBCD as Honorary Research Associate.