Earlier this year we were pleased to welcome Francisco Zorondo-Rodrígue (UAB) to the CBCD to complete part of his PhD with Dr Raj Puri. Francisco has since finished his PhD and is working on a jointly-authored paper entitled, Perception of ecosystem services and its determinants: a case of study among people from Western Ghats, India. This autumn we are hosting Ricardo Balzani (Brazil’s Centre for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Early Warnings) who is analyzing data for his project entitled,The warning and early warning system and resettlement policy from the perspective of the residents of Liberdade community, Complex Turano, Rio de Janeiro. In January 2013, we expect to welcome Niccolo Mazzucco (IMF Barcelona). He will be working with Drs. Raj Puri and Pablo Dominguez in connection with his doctoral research on Human occupation of mountain environments in the Central Western Pyrenees between V-IV millennium BC.