CBCD Director, Raj Puri, participated in the kick-off meeting of the MEDPLANT Initial Training Network, an EU Marie Curie Action, in Copenhagen on March 24-25th. MEDPLANT is supporting a new generation of science researchers in biodiversity driven drug lead discovery. The network will be running for four years from October 2013 to 2017, and will enable 13 PhD and 2 postdoctoral researchers to work collaboratively across disciplines to develop new approaches and technologies for selection and sustainable use of biodiversity resources for lead discovery and to develop new plant derived leads. The CBCD is an associate partner in this network, providing training in Ethnobotanical Methods together with Gary Martin, Honorary Research Fellow at CBCD and Director of the Global Diversity Foundation. One of the funded PhD students is Meadhbh Costigan, 2010 alumni of Kent’s Ethnobotany MSc Programme.
MEDPLANT Meeting in Copenhagen: Raj Puri (Director – CBCD), Meadh Costigan (Alumni – Ethnobotany MSc programme), Gary Martin (Honorary Researcher at CBCD – Director of the Global Diversity Foundation)