Professor Rob Fish’s environmental book Valuing Nature, has won STEM book of the year.
An environmental graphic book entitled Valuing Nature: the Roots of Transformation, written by Professor Rob Fish has won the Taylor and Francis STEM book of the year. The awarding committee said of the work:
“An unexpected approach to academic literature, inviting readers to explore, understand and appreciate the complexity of what it means to value nature. The highly interdisciplinary book weaves in vivid illustrations as it takes readers through the journey of contemplating how to balance conservation of the environment and natural resources with the growth of humanity and global economies.”
Rob was commissioned to create the graphic book as part of his work on the UKRI-NERC led Valuing Nature Programme. Senior Programme Manager for NERC, Dr Weihao Zhong, commented,
“This is an important publication for the times. Having all gone through a challenging period, as a society we have realised just how valuable nature is to our health and wellbeing. Tackling the climate and ecological emergencies require an interdisciplinary understanding of our relationships with nature and the interconnected way in which nature should be viewed, managed, and protected. Valuing Nature: roots of transformation is a unique and innovative approach to enhancing this understanding, reaching out to students and also accessible to a broader audience. Another excellent work from the successful, interdisciplinary Valuing Nature Programme, this book will be a lasting legacy.”
Reflecting on news of the award, Rob added, “I am thrilled by the news of this award. Valuing Nature: the roots of transformation was a labour of love, but it is terrific to learn the book has been well received. I’m looking forward to writing the sequel.”
Valuing Nature is available as an Open Access eBook and as a paperback to purchase