This now, annual event will be showcasing the work of all DICE students, staff, Advisory Board members, Honorary and Associate members and alumni.
After last year’s successful event, DICE will be holding another Twitter Conference this year on July 29th and 30th. This will showcase the work of all DICE students, staff, Advisory Board members, Honorary and Associate members and alumni. Each presenter will be given a 15 minute slot to present six tweets about their work. We would love as many people as possible to present and will give advice to anyone who hasn’t used Twitter before or would like feedback on what they should tweet.
This conference is the brainchild of four of our great PhD students Anna Jemmett, Michaela Lo, Katie Spencer and Tally Yoh. There are more details here:
If you would like to be kept informed about the conference programme and other details please subscribe to the conference mailing list here. We will publicise the event to the wider world on Facebook and Twitter, so please share the news with anyone who you think might be interested. They can then get involved by looking at the tweets on the DICE Twitter feed on July 29th and 30th and tweeting their comments and questions.