Professor Erik Meijaard joins the Durrell Institute for Conservation and Ecology (DICE) for their prestigious annual lecture series.
The DICE Lecture is an annual public event given each year by a distinguished scientist or practitioner on an important conservation topic.
This year we are thrilled to hear Professor Erik Meijaar ‘s presentation “When to rescue orangutans, and other conservation dilemmas” taking place on Tuesday 18th May from 18:00, streamed via Facebook Live on the DICE Facebook page.
“Erik is a founder of the Borneo Futures – Science for Change programme, founder and Chair of the IUCN Oil Palm Task Force and an Honorary Professor in our School.” Professor Bob Smith explained “He is a highly accomplished conservation scientist and practitioner and I am sure he will give an excellent talk based on his years of experience.”
We really hope you can join us.
Full details on the annual DICE event here.