The Centre for Biocultural Diversity (CBCD) welcomes new visitors, speakers and ethnobotanists in residence

The CBCD is delighted to welcome a number of visiting researchers to add to the dynamic research environment of the centre.

Dr. Olivia Angé (Marie Curie Post Doc at Wageningen University) is a Visiting Postdoc working on Valuation and Conservation of biocultural diversity in Peru’s Potato Park. Olivia can be reached at

Mr. Raivo Kalle (PhD Candidate, Estonian University of Life Sciences) is a Visiting Training Fellow researching The Use of wild edible plants in Estonia. Raivo can be reached at

Ethnobotanists in Residence 2017: Dr Gary Martin and Dr Emily Caruso from The Global Diversity Foundation will be here from 2nd – 4th February, running a series of research design workshops for PGT and PGR students, and discussing their current work in Morocco on the Conservation of Biocultural Diversity (Darwin Project, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund).

In addition to this, our spring series of guest lectures and seminars commences, supporting the Ethnobiology and Environmental Anthropology PGT and PGR teaching programmes, and this year we have a really interesting lineup. The schedule can be seen here.

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