Peopling Places, Wednesday 29th May, 1.30-6.30pm in Marlowe Lecture Theatre 1 and Foyer.
Peopling Places, an exhibition and screening of third year visual anthropology projects, takes place next Wednesday 29th May from 1.30 to 6.30 in MLT1 and the Marlowe Foyer. We have a challenging, experimental and entertaining collection of ten minute short films to screen which take us on journeys into our relationship with places and each other. Visual anthropology’ s research and communicative strengths will be firmly on show.
We are happy to welcome Professor Roger Just, Professor Hugh Brody and Dr. Kate Moore as judges for the screening to award the Roger Just Visual Anthropology Prize and Hugh Brody Visual Anthropology Prize. There will also be an audience prize.
This year’s photographic display covers a wide range of themes, whose hallmark is a common desire among students to engage with local people and explore anthropology’s relevance for making sense of cultural difference in Southeast England. Topics covered include the Kurdish Newroz (New Year) celebrations in Finsbury Park, sexuality, tattooing, Canterbury and its cathedral, cultural greetings, Canterbury markets and more.
We strongly encourage you come and share in the enthusiasm of the event and celebrate our students creativity and engagement.
I have attached a poster for the event. Please share and invite as many people as you like. See you there.