The theme for the event is: What does Athena SWAN mean to us at Kent?
The morning of the event will see an introduction by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Dame Julia Goodfellow, followed by plenary sessions on what Athena SWAN means to Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Sciences. After the networking lunch, the afternoon will focus on practical, inspiring workshops and cover a range of topics, including:
• Content for your Athena SWAN submission
• Setting up a self-assessment team
• Barriers to Athena SWAN and how to overcome them
• How to move from a bronze award to silver
• …and more!
The day is designed to provide practical guidance and support for each School preparing submissions prior to 2020, whether they are just beginning their Athena SWAN activity or whether they are award holders looking to be awarded silver (or even gold!).
For full details of the event;