The University of Kent has now supported in excess of 35 female members of staff as participants on the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE) Aurora Leadership and Management Programme. After another successful programme last year, we are pleased to announce that the University will once again be offering the opportunity for women academic staff at the level of Senior Lecturer or below, Postdoctoral research staff and a number of women who work in the professional services, focusing on areas where women are in the minority, to apply for places on the programme.
Yvonne Sherwood, Professor of Religious Studies is our new Aurora Champion and will lead the application process, which will also include the three Faculty Deans and the Interim Head of Organisational Development.
Full details of the programme and the application and selection process are available on the Learning and Development webpages
The closing date for applications is 1 August 2016. The programme itself launches on 4 October 2016 in Central London.