Last year, members of the QACO Team were involved in a number of collaborative projects. To launch the first newsletter of 2023, we’ve taken a look back at some of the highlights:
- Drafting and approval of amendments to the internal Regulatory Framework in response to the revised OfS B Conditions, including Assessment Framework, Course and Module approval and amendments, and Monitoring and Reporting.
- Launch of the new External Examiner Reporting System.
- Launch of the new Academic Integrity website.
- Facilitating improvement to PGR provision and helping to shape KV functionality for PGR record-keeping.
- QACO assistance in delivering the Goodwill Gesture Payment Scheme.
A big thank you to all Divisional and Central staff who worked with us on these projects to help make them happen.
Here are some of the projects we’ve got coming up in 2023:
- Review of Appeals procedures (Annex 13 of the Credit Framework).
- New QACO Training hub on SharePoint, and the provision of digital and online learning materials.
- Launch of new app for the case management of Academic Misconduct Cases in Divisions. The app will also include functionality for annual reporting.
We look forward to working on new collaborative projects in the year ahead.
A reminder that our new QACO Newsletter updates will now be posted to our blog. We’ve selected a handful of relevant articles from last year that provide useful information on the updated OfS B conditions and Validated Institutions. These can now be accessed on the blog and are included in this edition of the newsletter.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
The QACO Team