Article previously published in January 2022, by Tina Hagger (Quality Assurance and Compliance Advisor)
The University has a wide range of Validated Institutions offering provisions across all six academic Divisions. The extensive list of Validated Institutions includes the Central School of Ballet, the National Centre for Circus Arts, Pearson College London, GlaxoSmithKline and the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.
Collaborative activity with Validated Institutions is an important part of the University’s strategic aims. It allows students to gain credited awards in areas of highly skilled, cultural, creative and practical industries, delivered through internationally recognised teaching and supported by professional industry expertise.
What is a Validated Institution?
A Validated Institution is an institution which has received approval from the University of Kent to offer courses devised, delivered and assessed by the institution itself. All course provisions are credit-bearing and lead to an academic award with the University of Kent.
The University delegates a number of responsibilities to validated institutions, including the arrangements for admissions, teaching, assessment, learning resources and other services. Students are not registered with the University of Kent, but remain registered at the validated institution at which the course they are studying is delivered. The University of Kent is responsible for the standards of awards and quality assurance of all approved validated courses. Approved courses are subject to Kent’s Code of Practice, Academic Regulations and Credit Framework or procedures for research awards.
What are the key characteristics of Validated Institutions?
Validated Institutions share a number of key characteristics. They are each subject to Code of Practice processes, annual and periodic reviews by the University. Academic responsibility for the courses is allocated to a University Division and the University will provide a member of academic staff to act as a Liaison Officer for each course, to ensure that quality and standards are monitored and maintained. This role includes acting as the Chair of the Board of Examiners. The role of the Academic Liaison Officer and Chair of the Board of Examiners for Validated Institutions is specified in Annex L of the Code of Practice.
Validated courses also adhere to the same Board of Examiner processes as the University. Each Board is comprised of internal tutors, an external examiner and is chaired by member of Kent staff. The External Examiner is appointed by Kent according to University procedures. Training is available for all members of staff involved in running Exam Boards, both internal and at Validated Institutions.
The Quality Assurance and Compliance Office considers the implications of revisions to the Code of Practice, Credit Framework and Regulations on these institutions and their students. We ask that you consider the implications for validated institutions when revisions are made to Divisional policies and procedures and Central policies and procedures, particularly those procedures surrounding the admission, registration and record management of students.
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