July 2024: Regulatory Framework Updates

Typewriter with the word "Update"

Please note that the changes listed below have taken effect in the month prior to publication, unless specified otherwise.


The following document has recently been published:

Guidance on Oral Examination Conducted by Video Link has been published and is available with the other Examination Guidance. 


The following changes have recently been applied to the Code of Practice for Taught Courses: 

Code of Practice for Taught Courses, Annex T (Quality Assurance Policy for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships): 15.2 amended to change the recommendation of Assessment, Progression and Award Board of Examiners to be staged at least once a term instead of twice. 


Code of Practice for Taught Courses, Annex T (Quality Assurance Policy for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships): 15.3 added new section “The release of Integrated End Point Assessment final marks is strictly prohibited until the respective module marks have been ratified at the Awarding Board of Examiners.” 


The following changes have recently been applied to the Academic Appeals Policy: 

Academic Appeals Policy 3.3: A new section regarding the process surrounding students who are visa sponsored and submit an appeal against the decision to withdraw them due to low attendance and engagement. 


Academic Appeals Policy Part D – a new segment that details “Appeals against Social Work Suitability Procedures and Fitness to Practice Procedures.” 


The following changes have recently been applied to Procedures and Guidance:

Social Work Professional Suitability Procedures: Section 5 updated to say that if a student wishes to appeal against the judgement of the Suitability Panel they may do so through, and in accordance with, the University’s Academic Appeals Policy by submitting a Final Appeal.


Fitness to Practise Procedures for Courses Other than Social Work: Section 6 updated to say that if a student wishes to appeal against the judgement of the Fitness to Practise Panel they may do so through, and in accordance with, the University’s Academic Appeals Policy by submitting a Final Appeal.