Please note that the changes listed below have taken effect in the month prior to publication, unless specified otherwise.
The following changes have recently been applied to the Credit Framework:
Annex 9: (Mitigation of Extenuating Circumstances): ‘Normally’ added to section 2.4 in order to ensure flexibility when considering a student’s mitigation requests to allow for circumstances such as caring responsibilities, the need of accessible transport, etc. (the list is not exhaustive).
The following changes have recently been applied to the Code of Practice for Taught Courses:
Code of Practice for Taught Courses, Annex O Appendix C (Due Diligence Checklist): A new question to ascertain whether a prospective collaborative partner has met the B3 Numerical Thresholds (question 27).
Code of Practice for Taught Courses, Annex O Appendix C (Due Diligence Checklist): Additional questions regarding a prospective collaborative partner’s Anti-Racism and Sexual Harassment Policies (questions 18 and 19).
Code of Practice for Taught Courses, Annex O Appendix C (Due Diligence Checklist):An update to the question regarding the Health and Safety Policy to include a request for an Emergency Preparedness Plan (question 20).
Code of Practice for Taught Courses, Annex T (Quality Assurance Policy for Higher and Degree Apprenticeships): The Annex has been split into multiple appendices, as appropriate.
Degree Outcome Statement 2022:
Addendum added that contained a summary of Kent’s actions in order to return to pre-pandemic levels of upper class degrees awarded.
General updates:
All Regulatory Framework documents had been updated to include new Kent’s branding and weblinks, where appropriate. No other changes to the content had been made unless specified in this post.