A high-street pop-up shop will soon be open in Ramsgate thanks to the hard work of scientists in the Division of Natural Sciences including Dr Vicky Mason and partner Discovery Planet who secured funding for two years.
The space will be used for science and arts workshops, outreach activities, exhibitions, skills workshops, seminars and other collaborative activities with the local community.
The project underpins the University’s civic mission and will help to cement its sense of place in the community.
Dr Mason and Discovery Planet were overwhelmed at a recent pilot session held at the Old Fire Station in the town to gauge interest and promote the project. A whopping 270 school students from schools across the district turned out alongside 40 teachers and 50 members of the public.
Focussing on clean energy the day’s programme was developed by Dr Mason and PhD student Anna Peiro Franch, who is researching new materials for solar panels. Local wind farm company London Array also presented.
The feedback overall was extremely positive, and all teachers and members were eager to know when the next event will be. They won’t have to wait long.
The shop be ‘open for business’ in the New Year and a full programme will be publicly available.