Community Afternoon on 22 June

Psychological Science Community Afternoon

Saturday 22 June 2019, 1.30-5pm
Keynes College, University of Kent, Canterbury

Are you interested in how the mind and brain works and develops, and how science can explain social and criminal behaviour? Would you like to know more about psychological research? Then come to our open afternoon and learn more! There will be short talks by researchers on a variety of topics, as well as practical demonstrations of research protocols and specialist equipment. The event is free and open to all members of the community.

To register your interest, or if you have any questions, please e mail: Dr Zara Bergström

Saturday 22 June 2019, 1.30 5pm Keynes College, University of Kent, Canterbury Are you interested in how the mind and brain works and develops, and how science can explain social and criminal behaviour? Would you like to know more about psychological research? Then come to our open afternoon and learn more! There will be short talks by researchers on a variety of topics, as well as practical demonstrations of research protocols and specialist equipment. The event is free and open to all members of the community. Further information To register your interest, or if you have any questions, please e mail:

1.30-2pm: Arrival, practical research demonstrations, and free hot drinks and biscuits 2-3.10pm: Talks on social interactions in autism spectrum conditions, the psychological consequences of philosophical beliefs, and psychological causes and consequences of revenge porn 3.10-3.40pm: Practical research demonstrations and free hot drinks and biscuits 3.40-4.40pm: Talks on the psychology of pain, child psychology in action, and how to control intrusive memories 4.40-5pm: Q&A and closing comments Please drop in at any time. Locations are signposted from the main entrance of Keynes College, University of Kent, Canterbury campus, and parking in the Keynes car park is free on this date.