Riska Dewi completed her BSc Psychology degree in July 2018 and was a student representative for the School of Psychology.
How did you find the course as a whole?
I have just finished my Undergraduate course in Psychology (Hons) BSc. I found the course to be a really rewarding experience. The content itself is really varied, so you get to explore which part of Psychology you delve further in third year. The staff were approachable and they made me feel comfortable in expressing myself. All in all, I had a blast as a Psychology student here at Kent and I hope you will too.
What are you doing after graduation?
I would like to continue my studies into MSc and hopefully a PhD in Counselling Psychology, but I want to get some work experience first. That being said, I have now just started looking into the challenges entering the workforce in the UK as an international student.
Nadine El-Dewiny also completed her BSc Psychology degree in July 2018, acting as a student representative for the School of Psychology.
Which programme did you study and how did you find the course as a whole?
“My name is Nadine El-Dewiny and I studied the Psychology BSc, where I have just recently finished my final year. The experiences I have encountered every step of the way have been nothing short of exhilarating, stressful and emotional all at the same time. However, due to these experiences I have gained such skills that I will continue to use in my future endeavours.”
What are you doing after graduation?
“Life after graduation is a scary thought, but I feel confident in taking on any new adventure because of the three years I have spent at the University of Kent and the tools I am now equipped with. I am optimistic in getting a job as a research assistant, in order to gain more clinical experience. I will then be in a good position to apply for a doctorate programme, with the hopes of pursuing a career in Neuropsychology. I know the thought of applying yourself to a degree such as Psychology can be a daunting thought and at times the thought of then having to leave being even more scary, but I can honestly say I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge, friends who were an amazing support system and an experience I will never forget.”