Special Kent Alumni Survey – The 2015 General Election

We at the University of Kent are carrying out a study of social and political attitudes in the run-up to the General Election. As part of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the University of Kent we are inviting all our UK-based alumni to give their views on the current political situation in the UK as well as issues that affect Kent particularly, and aspects of the wider international context.

The Kent Election Studies survey is being conducted by Professor Dominic Abrams and colleagues from the School of Psychology.

This election is unique in living memory because the outcome is so uncertain and the balance of power could be shared in so many different ways. It is an ideal moment to conduct research on political change. Unlike a regular opinion poll, this survey is a more detailed study of how and why people are forming their political views.

As well as a prize draw (there are 20 £50 Amazon vouchers to be won) participants will also receive a report of the key findings from the research, and it will be fascinating to see how our Kent Alumni of all backgrounds are viewing the current political situation in the UK.

The survey takes 20-30 minutes to complete and we hope very much that as many of our Alumni as possible will have completed it before the end of next Wednesday.

To take the survey please click on the link below: