SPIRRS, back for 2021!

The School of Politics and International Relations Research Seminar Series (SPIRRS) programme is UP for 2020.

SPIRRS is the research seminar for the School of Politics and International Relations and a core part of the intellectual life of the School. It brings together speakers from inside the University with those from outside, to present cutting edge research on politics and international relations.

‘It has a friendly and welcoming vibe and we encourage MA students, research postgraduates as well as academic and professional service colleagues to attend.’ Richard Whitman explains ‘Everybody has a chance to have their say and the speakers really welcome the feedback they get on their research and work in progress.’

Ordinarily we would meet in Woolf and have a post seminar social over drinks afterwards, but for the time being we’ll be holding these on Teams.

Looking forward to seeing you!

24 March 2021 – 15.30-17.00
‘Sound and Sense: Phonology and Human Difference in late Ming China’
Dr Leigh Jenco, London School of Economics
Chair: Ben Turner

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7 April 2021 – 15.30-17.00
‘Dynamic Federalism’
Professor Patricia Popelier, University of Antwerp
Chair: Neo Loizides

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19 May 2021 – 15.30-17.00
‘Anticolonial Afterlives in Egypt: The Politics of Hegemony’
Dr Sara Salam, London School of Economics
Chair: Nadine Ansorg

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2 June 2021 – 15.30-17.00
‘NATO, Gender, and the Military: Women organising from within’
Dr Katherine AM Wright, University of Newcastle
Chair: Nadine Ansorg

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16 June 2021 – 15.30-17.00
‘Capitalism on Edge: will ‘progressive neoliberalism’ survive the Covid pandemic?’
Dr Albena Azmanova, BSIS
Chair: Richard G. Whitman

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