EU referendum seminar on ‘The EU’s Polity’, 21 April 2016, Europe House

EU referendum seminar at Europe House, Westminster

Thursday 21 April 2016

In association with the James Madison Trust for the study of federal systems, The School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent is convening a series of seminars on the EU referendum ahead of the vote on 23 June.

The second seminar will be on the EU’s Polity. It will take place on Thursday 21 April 2016, 15.00 – 18.45 at Europe House, 32 Smith Square, Westminster.

There will be some fantastic experts and leading politicians from across the political spectrum who take different positions on whether to remain or to leave, including; Baroness Julie Smith (Cambridge); Dr Adrian Pabst (Kent); Prof. Catherine Barnard (Cambridge); Sir William Cash MP (Conservative); Lord Bernard Donoughue (Labour); Prof. John Erik Fossum (Oslo); Lord Maurice Morrow (DUP); Richard Corbett MEP (Labour); Diane Dodds MEP (DUP) [tbc];
Bill Etheridge MEP (UKIP); Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska (Centre for European Reform); Timothy Kirkhope MEP (Conservative); Baroness Julie Smith (Cambridge)

There will be two panel discussions –

Panel 1: Ever-Closer Union, National Sovereignty, Democracy and the Four Freedoms

Panel 2: The role of national Parliaments and the European Parliament

The programme and list of speakers can be found here.

Please contact Dr Adrian Pabst if you would like to attend