The Global Europe Centre conducts survey about European and national values in Belarus and Moldova

GEC survey brief 2013 (GECSB1/13) ‘Belarus and the Eastern Partnership: a National Values Survey’

Commissioned by the Office for Democratic Belarus (ODB), the Global Europe Centre (GEC), under the leadership of Professor Elena Korosteleva, conducted a survey about European and national values in Belarus in order to contribute to the debate on the relations between Belarus and the European Union (EU) from the public’s perspective. The nation-wide representative survey was conducted in Belarus between 20 May and 4 June 2013 focusing on the country’s relations with the EU and the (Eurasian) Customs Union (ECU); as well as public perceptions, values, and attitudes towards the afore-mentioned entities. Detailed findings are available in the survey brief.

More information can found at:

GEC survey brief 2014 (GECSB2/14) ‘Moldova’s Values Survey: Widening a European Dialogue in Moldova’

Commissioned by the Slovak Atlantic Commission (SAC), the Global Europe Centre (GEC), under the leadership of Professor Elena Korosteleva, conducted a survey about European and national values in Moldova in order to contribute to the debate on the relations between Moldova and the European Union (EU) from the public’s perspective. The nation-wide representative survey was conducted in Moldova between 19 October and 7 November 203 focusing on the country’s relations with the EU and the (Eurasian) Customs Union (ECU); as well as public perceptions, values, and attitudes towards the afore-mentioned entities. Detailed findings are available in the survey brief.

More information can be found at:

Professor Elena Korosteleva offered her comments on the situation in Moldova concerning post-Vilnius developments in EU-Moldova relations, with Russia’s added perspective, in an interview with RFE/RL. See her comments here

Categories: gec