Other resources
Useful web resources Physics:
- CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
- Institute of Physics (IOP): good source of online physics information; you can search across the whole site using the search screen, or have a look at the index of available resources
- SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS): digital Library portal for researchers in Astronomy, Physics and Astrophysics. It is three bibliographic databases with over 12.2 million records, including the ArXiv e-prints.
- Physicsworld.com: has links to reference sources from the Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Astronomical Data Centre: from the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
Professional organisations and societies
- American Astronomical Society
- American institute of Physics
- American Physical Society
- European Physical Society
- Institute of Physics
- Optical Society of America (OSA)
PrePrint archives:
- ArXiv- ArXiv gives access to full text, open access research papers covering physics, mathematics and computer science. It contains articles that have not yet been peer-reviewed / published
- CERN document server – high energy and particle physics information
- InSPIRE -high energy physics literature database
- NASA Technical reports server (NTRS)– aerospace-related citations, full-text online documents, and images and videos created or funded by NASA