Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics

Meezaan Tanveer a physics student within the division of natural sciences attended the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics a three-day conference bringing together undergraduates who identify as women.

Meezaan Tanveer, a Kent Physics student attended the exclusive Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics. Designed to encourage undergraduates to continue in physics by focusing on their development as a scientist and showcasing options for their educational and professional futures, the three-day event bought together undergraduates who identify as women 

The CUWiP UK conference was included presentations by distinguished physicists on their cutting-edge research and personal career paths, and those interested in attending has to apply for a place. Meezan explains why she applied and tells us a bit more about the event: 

“I received an email from my Academic Advisor about the conference, and it piqued my interest since all the speakers were female physicists. What also caught my attention was that the speakers were all in different lines of work, but all did physics undergraduate degrees.

I wanted to understand more about potential career paths for physics students and how other people ended up on different career paths as well as learning more about the experiences of women in physics. I felt like many of my peers knew what fields they wanted to do in the future, but I didn’t really know what I wanted to do in the future. I wanted to explore what I could do, and I thought this conference would be a great place to start!

The event covered a wide range of topics and talks, as well as expert panels on graduate study and career opportunities outside of academia; workshops on effective assertiveness and successful marketing through CVs, cover letters, and interviews. 

I also got to experience online lab tours of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider where explanations of experiments that the labs were conducted and how they work took place. 

The experience was empowering and interesting and in particular I was really inspired by learning about what each speaker was doing with their career, from theoretical particle physicists to leading unmanned space missions to the current Chief Executive of the MET office!”


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