Physics and Astrophysics reading, listening and viewing

Looking for something new to watch, listen to or read now you’ve finished every Netflix boxset? Our Academics give their recommendations for how to get an extra slice of Physics and Astrophysics this summer, with a list of their top books, podcasts and shows.


A great way of catching up on the go, we love a podcast. Here are Physics/Astrophysics related ones for you to check out.

Top 25 Physics Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

The Titanium Physicist podcast 

Physics World Stories Podcast


If you’ve caught up on all the latest boxsets and are looking for something new to watch why not check out one of our recommended Physics/Astrophysics related documentaries:

Big Bang Theory. If you have not seen this yet, where have you been!

There are a number of Feynman lectures on many aspects of Physics, which are free to watch on YouTube.

This why you’re learning differential equations


If you’re sick of screen time and want to read something a bit different, we have a couple of recommendations.

“We Have No Idea: A Guide to the Unknown Universe” by Jorge Cham and Daniel Whitesome

“Surely you are joking, Mr. Feynman” by R.P. Feynman – a classic (that shows its age sometimes)


If there’s a Physics and Astrophysics related book, show or film that you love, why not share it with us? Get in touch with any of your recommendations.