The “Philosophy of Work” is a module offered by the Kent Philosophy Department and is convened by Dr Todd Mei. Students in their second and third year explore a range of issues relating to the inherent meaning of work, the difference between labour and work, the conceptual opposition between work and leisure. Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition is the core text, whilst key essays from other philosophers are interspersed between chapter assignments. In the past, students have read Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum on capabilities, Aristotle on natural slavery, Bertrand Russell on idleness, Heidegger on the nature of building, Marx on explotiation of labour, and Henry George on theory of ground rent.
This page links to some of the blogs written by past students:
The Global Sportswear Market Is Bringing about the Return of Exploitative Economic Practices Long Since Abandoned (Sean Janion)
Gratuity Is No Longer about Gratitude! (Cerys Jones)