I love being asked to recommend books, in fact one of the favourite parts of my job is writing book reviews and brief notices of new books and reports on the Philanthropy UK website.
The last time someone asked me to recommend a book came via Twitter, and as it’s not really possible to say much in 140 characters, I thought I’d write a blog about it instead.
The very personable and knowledgable Caroline Fiennes asked a few fellow tweeters ‘What’s the best thing you’ve ever read about corporate philanthropy?’. My answer is below – it’s the reading list for a lecture on corporate philanthropy that I’ll be giving next month, as part of a new course on ‘Fundraising and Philanthropy’ within a new Masters degree in Civil Society Studies at the University of Kent. If I had to pick a top 3, I’d go for Burlingame & Young, Sargeant and Jay and either Friedman for provocation or Emerson Andrews for a more thoughtful approach.
I’d be delighted to hear if anyone else agrees, disagrees, or has other books to suggest.
Best books on Corporate Philanthropy
Dwight Burlingame and Dennis Young (1996) Corporate Philanthropy at the Crossroads Bloomington: Indiana University Press
Thomas W. Dunfee (2011) The Unfulfilled Promise of Corporate Philanthropy in Illingworth, P., Pogge, T. and Wenar, L. (eds) Giving Well: The ethics of philanthropy. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Frank Emerson Andrews (1992) Corporate Giving. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction publishers
Milton Friedman ‘The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its profits’ in New York Times magazine
Kym Madden and Wendy Scaife (2008) Corporate Philanthropy: Who gives and why?’ in Sargeant, A. and Wymer, W. (eds) The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Marketing. London: Routledge
Valerie Morton (2002) Corporate Fundraising (3rd edition). London: Directory of Social Change
Adrian Sargeant and Elaine Jay (2010) Fundraising Management: Analysis, planning and practice. London: Routledge (chapter 11 Corporate Fundraising)