Optional Workshop: Writing at the PG Level

Weds 2nd March, 3-4pm,  Venue: KLT3

Led by: Dr Rachel Calogero
Lead in PG Experience, MSc Programme Director (Social, Groups, Research Methods)

  • Would you like to improve your essay writing skills?
  • Do you want help in understanding and applying essay feedback?
  • Want to know more about expectations at MSc level?
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Did you know, PsyPAG now offer Research Grant Bursaries
You can apply for a research grant bursary, up to the amount of £300. This fund can be used to assist you in conducting research as part of your postgraduate studies, such as for participant payment. This could provide a great top-up to the departmental funding allocation. More details of this and other PsyPAG bursaries, and how to apply, can be found on their website: http://www.psypag.co.uk/bursaries-2/

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The Language of Mental Diversity by Chloe Tyler

The Language of Mental Diversity
Chloe Tyler, MSc Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, tlt7@kent.ac.uk
“Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but names will never hurt me”.
(Except that they can, and they do).

Michel Foucault discussed the power of words: their ability to harm or help. I, myself, emphasise the power of the words we choose to use, encouraging college students during diversity presentations to consider their choices.

Consider; I give you a chocolate brownie and ask you to provide a label for it (chocolate brownie). I then ask you to tell me what that label makes you think, feel. You may say “hungry”, “chocolaty”, “sweet”, and “can I eat it now?”

I reply that “no”, you cannot! That word ‘no’ itself has power: you do not eat the brownie (or maybe you rebel, and do!).

Now, I add the word ‘mouldy’ to the label ‘chocolate brownie’. The power of that word!

You look at the brownie in disgust, revulsion – you inspect it, turn it this way and that. Yet, the brownie has not changed.

You rightly ask: what do (mouldy or otherwise) chocolate brownies have to do with diversity?

Please consider the labels in which we describe those with ‘mental illnesses’:
And on and on………

Let us now consider Sam. You have known Sam for several years. You know their likes, dislikes, demeanour and personality; you like Sam. Yet, someone mentions that they have a ‘mental illness’ and consciously or unconsciously your impression of them changes. You behave more cautiously around them; you talk to them differently.

Mental illness – these are but words. However, language truly has power over people. Most certainly we must consider what the term ‘mental illness’ does to someone, and who it actually benefits.

“People know what they do; frequently they know why they do what they do; but what they don’t know is what what they do does.”
(Italics added) ― Michel Foucault, 1988, Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.
Currently the term ‘mental illness’ reduces individuals to a victim of a disease, a contagion, an inflicted mind. Yet, those labelled as such are so much more! I implore you to truly think before you speak, please do not reduce someone to a label – we are all part of a diverse, complex and beautiful tapestry.

I thank you,

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Hi all,

Did you know…if you are a member of the BPS, and your registered address (where The Psychologist magazine is sent to) is in one of these areas: London, Canterbury, Tonbridge, St Albans, Luton, Maidstone, Romford, Enfield, Dartford and High Wycombe, you are automatically a member of the London & Home Counties Branch?

The LHC Branch run a number of events throughout the year for postgraduates, early career researchers and professionals. These are often based in London, but the Branch is also looking to hold some events in Kent and High Wycomb, with the view to setting up hubs there so that students, staff and professionals can all meet and hear about cutting edge research and careers advice.

Like our Facebook page page at https://www.facebook.com/bps.lhc 🙂

My name is Lynsey and I am the PsyPAG rep for this branch. This means I sit on a committee of Postgrad students who aim to build better connections between the BPS divisions/sections/branches and postgraduate students ( http://www.psypag.co.uk/psypag-committee-2/ ). Please let me know if you have any ideas for talks, speakers or workshops that the Branch could organise in your local area.

If you are not yet a member of the BPS, follow this link to find out how to join http://www.bps.org.uk/what-we-do/benefits-belonging/membership/membership and start making the most of what the society has to offer!

I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at future Branch events!

Best wishes,


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Careers & Employability Service Newsletter – October 2014

October 2014

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PsyPAG Poster Workshop

Poster Preparation and Presentation Workshop Information

Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know about a poster presentation workshop that is taking place at Canterbury Christ Church Uni in September.

The attached flyer has all of the details and a link to sign up. As it is funded by PsyPAG it will be free to attend, and will be offering guidance from preparing the poster, right up to getting people to stop at your poster on the day!

A PhD student at CCCU, Sam, is organising the workshop, so if you have any questions you can email her at: posterpresentationworkshop@gmail.com


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Roger Giner-Sorolla Inaugural Event

Dear All

For all of you who could not attend please see the link if you would like to watch Roger Giner-Sorolla’s Inaugural Presentation

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Research Workshop – 14th April 2014

Dear MSc students,

As some of you may be aware, the School’s Cognition & Neuroscience group is hosting a research workshop, ‘Best practice in EEG and TMS research’ in Keynes College on Monday 14th April. You can find out more here: http://www.kent.ac.uk/psychology/research/cognitive/eeg-tms-workshop.html

To help us run the EEG practical sessions (i.e. Short demos of the EEG equipment) we are looking for six people to volunteer to be set up with EEG in one of our EEG labs, and two to demonstrate our TMS equipment. For the EEG, this will simply involve sitting for ~1 hour while one of our EEG researchers talks small groups of delegates (max 5 people) through the EEG setup, and delegates have a go themselves. The TMS demo will involve a simple stimulation procedure that induces muscle movements in your hand. The demo sessions will take place on Monday 14th April at 1.30pm and 2.30pm.

If you are going to be around Canterbury on this date, and are interested in volunteering as a ‘practice participant’ then please reply to this email asap. In return for your help, we can offer to pay you £10 cash for your time, and you will be welcome to attend the workshop talks and lunch for the rest of the day.

Please note that since this workshop is an opportunity to showcase our School, students, facilities and research it is VITAL that you if you sign up to participate in a demo session you show up!! Please don’t sign up if you’re unsure.

Many thanks in advance,
Heather & Joe

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Postgraduate Conference

Dear Masters students,

I wanted to draw your attention to this excellent opportunity to see Social Psychology research in action, showcase your own research to date, and attend information events that might help support your PG studies.

The BPS Social Psychology Section is running a Postgraduate conference here at the University of Kent on April 24th -25th and registration is open to all PG students. The deadline to submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation or a 3MT (details on website) is March 24th.

You can also sign up as a non-presenting delegate by this date too, which means that you can be part of a vibrant academic conference and network with other social psychology PG students, attend the talks and poster presentations, and attend the workshop. Fees are extremely reasonable at only £17 for non-BPS members.

The programme includes:
• Keynote addresses from Dr Hana Zagefka and Dr Martin Edwards
• Oral and Poster presentations
• 3MT competition (more details online)
• Viva Survivors workshop (Your chance to get hints/tips/advice from early career researchers)

You can find more information about the event (e.g., submission guidelines and costs) at http://www.socialpsychologyuk.net/postgraduate_conference or contact the conference organising committee on pgspconf@gmail.com.

This seems like a really excellent opportunity for all Msc students, particularly those who are working in Social Psychology research areas, or who have an interest in completing further research (e.g. PhD) or study in this field.

All the best,

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Roger Giner-Sorolla’s Inauguration as Professor Invite

Dear All

You are cordially invited to the Celebration of Roger Giner-Sorolla’s Inauguration as Professor

Thursday 10th April 2014 at 5pm in KLT4 School of Psychology
Keynes College
University of Kent

The event includes an inaugural lecture by Professor Roger Giner-Sorolla on “Moral Emotions and Moral Research”,
followed by a drinks reception in The Atrium at 6pm

If you would like to attend the event please Click here to RSVP before Thursday 3rd April 2014

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