School Support for HPLs

Module convenors

Module convenors are responsible for:

  • Providing a module induction for research student teachers/demonstrators outlining their teaching/demonstrating duties.
  • Providing research student teachers/demonstrators with teaching materials and appropriate guidance on how seminars should be delivered. Research student teachers and demonstrators should not be expected to develop all their own materials.
  • Providing students teaching or demonstrating on their modules with regular opportunities to meet to discuss their progress and any concerns which arise during the academic year.
  • Ensuring research student teachers/demonstrators are provided with adequate opportunities to provide feedback on their experiences.
  • Discussing all feedback obtained via module evaluations with research student teachers/demonstrators so that this feedback can be used to inform their training and development.

Module convenors are listed in the module catalogue here. Modules convenors should be providing you with the support you require to embark on the delivering of your classes with confidence. Good communication with your module convenor is important. It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep your module convenor updated on any developments within your classes (e.g. issues with student progress and achievement, learning resources or facilities). If you think you are not receiving the support you require from the module convenor, please raise this with your school  as soon as possible so that the situation can be rectified.