16:00, October 11, Kennedy Seminar Room 2
Abstract: LaTeX (pronounced “lay-tech”) is the norm for current mathematical writing; (almost) all mathematical journals require articles to be written in LaTeX. With its many automatic features, such as rendering lay-out and referencing, it is also a very practical word processor. Most importantly, it accommodates mathematical equations with great ease, which is a great improvement over the likes of Microsoft Office, and therefore of use for statisticians as well.
In Peter’s talk, he will introduce LaTeX from a practical viewpoint, a tentative outline is:
– Basics (writing text and equations, sections, cross-references, …)
– Document classes and packages (including beamer: “LaTeX PowerPoint”)
– Tricks (defining commands, using spacing, including subdocuments, …)
– Citing literature (BibTeX and finding bibliography entries)
– Other miscellany (writing in different languages, …)