Visit the Supervision section of the University’s Code of Practice for Quality Assurance for Research Programmes of Study:

Research students are responsible for:

  1. The content, completion and submission for examination of their theses under the supervision of academic staff members. The student should take ultimate responsibility for their research.
  2. Ensuring that they are familiar with and comply with University regulations, school guidelines and any other procedures relating to their degree.
  3. Attending a skills review workshop in their first year of registration.
  4. Completing a skills audit and discussing this and their training needs with their supervisors on a regular basis.
  5. Preparing adequately for formal progress reviews (as required by Annex J: Progression and Examination) and supervisory meetings.
  6. Ensuring work progresses in accordance with the stages agreed with the supervisor(s).
  7. Advising their supervisor(s) of any illness, holidays or other occasions when they will be absent from the University.
  8. Seeking advice from their supervisor(s) in an active manner and taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties (including illness or other exceptional circumstances) with their supervisors.
  9. Agreeing a programme of work with their supervisor(s) at the beginning of their first year and reviewing this at appropriate intervals in each academic year in consultation with the supervisors ensuring that any deviation from the programme is reported to supervisors as soon as possible.
  10. Agreeing a schedule of meetings with their supervisor(s).
  11. Devoting appropriate time and effort to their studies.
  12. Taking note of the guidance and feedback provided on their work by their supervisor(s).
  13. Keeping records of supervisory meetings.
  14. Complying with health and safety requirements.
  15. Complying with ethical requirements.
  16. Ensuring that they complete their registration and make payment of fees at the appropriate time.
  17. Assisting the University in keeping their records up to date by cooperating fully with administrative procedures.
  18.  Contributing to the research environment of the academic research centre or Signature Research Theme, School/subject area/wider university community and externally (as appropriate) by taking up opportunities to present work at seminars and by networking with other researchers.
  19.  Providing feedback on their student experience through annual reports, postgraduate surveys, postgraduate representatives and Student Voice Forums (as appropriate).
  20. Reporting any concerns about their supervision to the Divisional Director of Graduate Studies and PG Student Experience or their subject-level nominee without delay. If the Divisional Director of Graduate Studies and PG Student Experience or nominee is a member of the supervisory team, concerns should be reported to the Dean of the
    Graduate and Researcher College who might refer the case to another Divisional Director of Graduate Studies and PG Student Experience as appropriate.