- Kent Photo Archive: http://www.kentphotoarchive.com/kpa/desktopindex.php
- CityArk (online catalogue of the Medway Council Archives Service): http://cityark.medway.gov.uk/
- Kent Archaeological Society: http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/Research/research.htm
- Here’s History Kent: http://www.hereshistorykent.org.uk/
- Canterbury Archaeological Trust: http://www.canterburytrust.co.uk/
- Kent Heritage Maps (with searchable versions of following four series of historic Kent 25 inch ordnance maps: 1871-90, 1897-1900, 1907-1923, 1929-1952; also aerial photographs of Kent from 1946, 1990, 2008): http://webapps.kent.gov.uk/KCC.HeritageMaps.Web.Sites.Public/Default.aspx
- Kent History and Library Centre: http://www.kent.gov.uk/leisure-and-community/history-and-heritage/kent-history-and-library-centre
- Kent Archives online catalogue: http://www.kentarchives.org.uk/CalmView/
- Kent Libraries online catalogue: https://kent.spydus.co.uk/
- A guide to the archival and local history collections held at the Kent History and Library Centre: http://www.kent.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/16245/New-to-our-collections.pdf
- Links to online family and local history resources: http://www.kent.gov.uk/leisure-and-community/libraries/online-reference-library/family-and-local-history-resources
For first steps towards developing People’s History of Kent projects you can think about the following resources:
Visit Kent Libraries which hold runs of historic local newspapers, often on microfilm. Contact individual Kent town centre libraries for further details of their local history collections, including historic local newspapers | |
Use library computers to access significant runs of historic local newspapers via the online British Newspaper Archive. Free access is restricted to library computers and you will need to register for an individual account | |
Use the public access computers in any Kent Library to access the Ancestry Library Edition & Find My Past Community Edition websites (no remote access as free access is restricted to library computers). Key sources include the censuses for England, Wales, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, and Scotland, 1841-1911. There are also sources connected with births, marriages & deaths, immigration & travel, military service, wills, probates, land, taxes and crime |