Year 8 students from our partner school, The Canterbury Academy, this month took part in an exciting day of ‘DaVinci’ Challenges with our staff and student ambassadors. Students were tasked with combining elements of both sciences and the arts to create, design and produce a bid for, a creation that could be useful to humans, based on designs found in nature. The illustrations, concepts and bid presentations were all of very high quality and included an umbrella inspired by the waterproof wings of a bee, a sleeping bag designed with warmth in mind, based on a tulip bud and our winning entry, a phone case inspired by none other than that creative master of nature the spider; a phone case which crawls back to you and prevents breakages by grabbing on to you if it is in danger of falling out of your pocket!
We were blown away by the enthusiasm of the students and the creativity demonstrated in their ideas. Let’s hope we see their products created for the masses in the not so near future!
Huge congratulations to our winners and to all of the year 8s who took part.