Health and Wellbeing


In the wake of the Coronavirus updates, self-care has become increasingly important. Focusing on things that you can control rather than those you can’t may prevent you feeling overwhelmed. So we thought we would share some of our top tips to conserving your health and wellbeing at this difficult time.

  • Where possible, it is best to maintain your normal daily routine. Get up, showered and dressed at a reasonable time. Take regular breaks from studying, it may even be helpful to block off specific periods of time for studying and exercise. Remember to keep hydrated and try to eat a balanced, healthy diet. Now would be a great opportunity for you to try out some new recipes.
  • Try to get a sensible amount of sleep. Sleep becomes even more essential at this time as it empowers an effective immune system, heightens brain function, enhances mood and improves mental health generally.
  • Exercise is incredibly important. Remember to follow the government guidance regarding leaving your home for exercise and if this is not possible there are plenty of fitness videos available online. This would be a perfect opportunity to try something new like yoga or pilates.

Looking after your mental health is as important as your physical health and there are a range of things you can do to help manage natural anxiety around the current situation we find ourselves in. Young Minds, Mind and NHS England all have sound advice for looking after your mental wellbeing. Some of the best advice includes staying connected with friends and family, using phones, video chats and social media where available. Use techniques including Mindfulness practice to calm an anxious mind (Headspace and Calm are both great apps for mindfulness practice). Focus on an activity which allows you to be creative or active, particularly if it involves sunshine and fresh air. Finally, don’t read or listen to the news updates excessively, set a time to catch up and then switch off, give your brain a chance to relax and process what is happening. If you need additional help and support, reach out to someone or to a support service, don’t go it alone.