SUCCEED – A new programme for Y12 students

SUCCEED is a new year-long programme on the Canterbury campus aimed at Year 12’s who are unsure as to whether university is the right option for them. It has been designed to help young people in Kent and Medway explore the opportunities and challenges offered by Higher Education in an inclusive environment with support from university staff and student ambassadors.

The programme will help to give students the opportunity to make a number of visits to a University campus, get to know current students and utilise their experiences by asking them questions. It is also a chance for students to identify strengths, define their interests and develop skills which will not only help them to make informed decisions about their future but will also be useful regardless of whether or not they decide to go to University.

To apply for SUCCEED, a student must have started a Level 3 qualification in September (A Levels, BTEC, IB or equivalent), ideally have 5 GCSE’s grade A*-C or a minimum of a GCSE 4/C in English or working towards this qualification as this a minimum requirement for university applications.

The programme is made up of 5 Saturday workshops, plus a three day residential course in July. The dates are: 28th Oct, 25th Nov, 13th Jan, 17th Feb, 31st March & residential is 25-27th July. The times are 10:00-15:00.

Students can apply via paper application form or via:

The deadline for applications is 20th October – however, please do contact us if you are interested in applying but are unsure whether you will meet this deadline.

For further information, please contact or