I find it interesting the different ways that the advocates are taking to approach their work with their departments. I have one advocate that is primarily off-campus who is choosing to do a lot of their work by email, and approaching the departments to get information circulated, and she is getting some really good responses. …
October 2014 archive
Oct 17
ORCID Advocates
This week I held the first briefing sessions for the ORCID advocate roles that form a key part of this project. Of the ten I can potentially recruit, the first four have been briefed and have begun their outreach in their respective academic schools. I realise that four is a long way from the ten …
Oct 09
Technical update
Implementing ORCiDs in your systems does not have to be difficult. Fortunately it is a well designed system that gives you a simple URL that you can click on that takes you to the right place. We have not completed the first part of implementing ORCiDs in our systems, and here I will be covering …
Oct 03
Web presence and an unexpected challenge
It’s an interesting challenge to promote and advocate for the use of an external product without branding it and bringing it under the corporate wing, while being an internal member of staff. I have to admit, I didn’t consider the effect my being a member of staff would have on the process of promoting ORCID. …