List of all talks can be obtained here.



[Last updated: 27 June 2017; 10:20 BST]


Participants list:


First name Last name Affiliation Talk/poster title
Mahvish Ali Aligarh Muslim University Approximation by operators including the  Sheffer-Appell polynomials
Atef Alaya Faculty of Sciences, Gabes university, Tunisia
Carlos Alvarez Universidad Pontificia Comillas Multiple Laurent Orthogonal Polynomials on the unit circle and Toda-type systems
Swaminathan Anbhu I.I.T. Roorkee On the modified parameters of Orthogonal polynomials
Dimitris Askitis University of Copenhagen Convexity/concavity properties and asymptotics of the median of the beta distribution
Ahmad Barhoumi IUPUI
Abdessatar Barhoumi University of Carthage Jacobi sequences of powers of random variables
Árpád Baricz Babeş-Bolyai University and Óbuda University Zeros of linear combinations of Bessel functions of the first kind
Dolores Barrios Rolanía Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Neural system for determining sequences of orthogonal polynomials
Bernhard Beckermann University of Lille Bergman orthogonal polynomials and the Grunsky matrix
Kiran Kumar Behera Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India Orthogonal Rational Functions with poles on the unit circle and at the origin
Youssef Ben Cheikh Monastir University A classification of polynomial sets
Belkis Bel Haj Ali FST university El manar tunis  Algebraic equation and symmetric second degree forms of class two
Jamal Benbourenane Abu Dhabi University Some inequalities of oscillating integrals
Christian Berg University of Copenhagen Indeterminate moment problems
Geoffroy Bergeron CRM – University of Montreal Generating functions for the Bannai-Ito polynomials
Elías Berriochoa Universidad de Vigo, Spain Szego transformation and zeros of analytic perturbations of Chebyshev weights
Oksana Bihun University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA Zeros of Krall Polynomials
Rafaela Bonfim São Paulo University-ICMC, Brazil Strict positive definiteness of product covariance functions on manifolds
Niels Bonneux KU Leuven, Belgium Zeros of exceptional Laguerre polynomials
Nattapong Bosuwan Mahidol University, Thailand Convergences of row sequences of simultaneous Padé-Faber approximants
Vanessa Botta UNESP, Brazil Exploring the zeros of real self-reciprocal polynomials by the Chebyshev polynomials
Jonathan Breuer The Hebrew University of Jerusalem To infinity and back (a bit)
Adam Brus CTU in Prague, FNSPE Multivariate generalizations of the Chebyshev Polynomials of the Second Kind
Jorge Buescu Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Positivity, extension and integral representations for special functions
Alicia Cachafeiro Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Jian Cao Hangzhou Normal University, China Homogeneous q-partial difference equations and some applications
Natalie Cartwright State University of New York at New Paltz, USA
Mirta M. Castro Smirnova University of Seville Matrix orthogonal polynomials and time-band limiting
Andrew Celsus University of Cambridge
Hamza Chaggara Sousse University Connection and linearization coefficients for basic hypergeometric polynomials
Xiaomin Chen Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization Generalizations of the semi- and fully discrete Lotka-Volterra lattice
Theodore Chihara Purdue University Northwest, Hammond campus Determinacy and indeterminacy criteria for moment problems associated with OPS given by a three term recurrence relation
Jacob Christiansen Lund University Asymptotics of Chebyshev polynomials
Óscar Ciaurri Universidad de La Rioja The heat equation for Jacobi matrices
Peter Clarkson University of Kent The heat equation for Jacobi matrices
Howard Cohl NIST Binomial and logarithmic Gegenbauer expansions for the even-dimensional polyharmonic equation
Sylvie Corteel CNRS et Université Paris Diderot Koornwinder polynomials at q = t
Roberto S. Costas-Santos Universidad de Alcalé q-Polynomials for non-standard parameters. Orthogonality and new identities
Zélia da Rocha Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto Semi-classical properties and connection coefficients for perturbed Chebyshev polynomials
Dan Dai City University of Hong Kong Asymptotics of the index distribution for the Gaussian unitary ensemble
Sourav Das Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Asymptotic expansions for multiple Gamma functions
Alfredo Deaño SMSAS, University of Kent Asymptotics for Hankel determinants with discontinuous Hermite weights
Abel Díaz González Carlos III University of Madrid Sobolev Extremal Polynomials
Manuel Dominguez de la Iglesia Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Factorization of stochastic Jacobi matrices into two stochastic factors and Darboux transformations
Erik van Doorn
T. M. Dunster SDSU Simplified expansions and error bounds for turning point problems
Jonathan Eckhardt University of Vienna A coupling problem for entire functions
Benjamin Eichinger Johannes Kepler University, Linz Chebyshev problems on a circular arc
Chelo Ferreira Universidad de Zaragoza The Swallowtail integral in the highly oscillatory region
Julien Gaboriaud Université de Montréal, CRM An algebraic interpretation of the $q$-Meixner polynomials
Juan Carlos Garcia Ardila University Carlos III de Madrid Ratio asymptotic for matrix functions of second kind
Eva María García del Toro Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Neural system for determining sequences of orthogonal polynomials
María Ángeles García-Ferrero ICMAT Wronskians with classical polynomial entries
Rabiaa Ghabi University of Monastir
Amparo Gil Universidad de Cantabria, Spain Efficient computation of classical orthogonal polynomials for large orders
Manuela Girotti Colorado State University Smallest singular value distribution and large gap asymptotics for products of random matrices
David Gómez-Ullate ICMAT and Universidad Complutense de Madrid Exceptional orthogonal polynomials
Jean Carlo Guella Universidade de São Paulo-ICMC From Schoenberg coefficients to Schoenberg matrix functions
Luc Haine Université catholique de Louvain On a generalization of Jacobi’s Elegantissima.
Wei Ying Hu City University of Hong Kong Connection formulas for the Ablowitz-Segur solutions of the inhomogeneous Painlevé II equation
Evelyne Hubert Inria Méditerranée Computing symmetric cubatures: A moment matrix approach
Edmundo J. Huertas Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Asymptotic behavior and electrostatic properties of zeros of Freud-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials
Daan Huybrechs KU Leuven Matrix-valued Chebyshev polynomials of several variables
Arieh Iserles University of Cambridge From Fourier’s sombrero to Chebyshev’s almond: approximation on the real line
Alexander Its IUPUI Monodromy dependence and connection formulae for isomonodromic tau functions
Miuran Dencil Jayaweera arachchige don Texas Tech university
Ranjan Jana S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India Extended Wright type Hypergeometric Function: Properties and Applications
Kerstin Jordaan University of South Africa Properties of orthogonal polynomials with respect to semi-classical perturbations of classical weights
Michal Juránek Czech Technical University, Prague Discrete Fourier calculus of Weyl orbit functions
Sergei Kalmykov Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Inequalities for series in ratios of Gamma and q-Gamma functions
Shingo Kamimoto Hiroshima University
Abey Kelil University of Pretoria Generalized Freud polynomials and the Painleveé  equations
Maurice Kenfack Nangho University of Pretoria A Characterization of Askey-Wilson polynomials
Abdul Muqeet Khalid University of Leeds Bispectral Darboux Transformations of the Darboux-Pöschl-Teller Operator
Shorab Khan research scholar Integral transforms of generalized k-Mittag-Leffler function
Subuhi Khan Aligarh Muslim University Representations of Harmonic Oscillator Lie Algebra and  2-dimensional Hermite Polynomials
Erik Koelink Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, Netherlands Multivariable matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials
Tom Koornwinder University of Amsterdam Some steps to a q-Askey scheme of double affine Hecke algebras
Rostyslav Kozhan Uppsala University Relative Strong Szego Theorem
Ali Krelifa University of Khemis Miliana, Algeria On the classical character of Sheffer-Meixner 2-orthogonal polynomials type
Arno Kuijlaars Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Universality for conditional measures of the sine point process
Sushil Kumar S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat Numerical solution of space time fractional bio heat equation
Hélder Lima University of Kent On Müntz-type formulas related to the Riemann zeta function
Jose Lopez State University of Navarra Multi-point Taylor expansions in the approximation of integrals and solutions of linear differential equations
Guillermo Lopez Lagomasino Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Ana Loureiro University of Kent
Alphonse Magnus UcLouvain Heun  differential equation satisfied by some classical biorthogonal rational functions. Preliminary notes.
Manuel Mañas Universidad Complutense de Madrid Riemann—Hilbert problems for matrix orthogonal polynomials and discrete matrix Painlevé equations
Juan Francisco Mañas-Mañas Universidad de Almerá Asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues of a differential operator for  Gegenbauer-Sobolev orthonormal polynomials
Daniel Manrique Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Neural System for Determining Sequences of Orthogonal Polynomials
Elizabeth Mansfield University of Kent
Zeinab Mansour King Saud University $q$-analogues of Lidstone expansion  and  Bernoulli polynomials
Misael Marriaga Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Structure relations for moments and orthogonal polynomials in two variables associated with classical moment functionals
Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein University of Almeria Mathematics in the eye of the beholder
Marta Mazzocco Loughborough University Painlevé equations, q-Askey scheme and colliding holes on Riemann surfaces
Teresa A. Mesquita ESTG-Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo & Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto Around operators not increasing the degree of polynomials
Peter Miller University of Michigan Rational solutions of Painlevé equations
Robert Milson Dalhousie University Bispectrality and exceptional orthogonal polynomials
Judit Mínguez University of La Rioja Fourier series of Gegenbauer-Sobolev polynomials
Leslie Molag KU Leuven
Luis Alejandro Molano Molano Professor Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Duitama, Colombia On symmetric  (1,1)-coherent pairs and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials for Hermite (1,1)-coherent pairs
Taro Nagao Nagoya University
Sengul Nalci Tumer Izmir Institute of Technology Special Functions and Shock Soliton Solutions of Q-Viscous Burgers Equation
Gregory Natanson ai-solutions Inc. Single-Source Nets of Rational Canonical Sturm-Liouville Equations
Gergő Nemes University of Edinburgh Uniform asymptotic smoothing of the higher order Stokes phenomenon
Thorsten Neuschel Univeristé Catholique de Louvain (Breakdown of) sine kernel universality for Dyson’s Brownian motion with deterministic initial conditions
Adri Olde Daalhuis The University of Edinburgh
Sheehan Olver Imperial College Solving PDEs on triangles using multivariate orthogonal polynomials
Bruce O’Neill Milwaukee School of Engineering Convolution properties of polynomials associated with Stirling numbers
Peter Opsomer KU Leuven Asymptotics for Laguerre-type polynomials and quadrature rules
John Osborn Baylor University Moment Representations of Type I $X_2$ Exceptional Laguerre Polynomials
John Pearson University of Kent
Henrik Pedersen University of Copenhagen Generalized Stieltjes functions
Ester Pérez-Sinusía University of Zaragoza Uniform convergent expansions of some special functions in terms of elementary funcions
Vanessa Pirani UNESP
Sarah Post University of Hawaii Bivariate Racah and q-Racah Polynomials; Hidden symmetry and alternate bases
Jugal Prajapat Department of Mathematics, Central University of Rajasthan, India Hardy Spaces and inclusion properties of generalized fractional integral operator
Alagacone Ranga UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista Basic hypergeometric polynomials having zeros on the unit circle  and  related orthogonal polynomials
Margit Rösler University of Paderborn Integral representations for multivariable Bessel functions and beta distributions
Diego Ruiz-Antolín University of Cantabria Fast, reliable and unrestricted computation of classical Gaussian quadratures
Abdelsadek Saib University of Tebessa Yet another look at classical multiple (d-) orthogonal polynomials
Ghazouani Sami University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia A unified class of integral transforms related to the Dunkl transform
Klaus Schiefermayr University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Wels The Growth of Polynomials Outside of a Compact Set — the Bernstein-Walsh Inequality Revisited
Javier Segura Universidad de Cantabria Computation of asymptotic expansions of turning point problems via Cauchy’s integral formula
Mohd Shadab Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India Analytic computations of digamma function : A hypergeometric approach
Eric Shirley NIST Asymptotic properties of special functions of use in optical radiometry
Ajay Shukla S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India Some Generalization of Mittag-Leffler Function
Jéssica Silva UNESP
Brian Simanek Baylor University Non-classical Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle
Nicholas Simm University of Warwick On the probability of positive-definiteness in the generalised GUE
Richard Mikael Slevinsky University of Manitoba Fast and backward stable transforms between spherical harmonic expansions and bivariate Fourier series
Nina Snaith University of Bristol Every moment brings a treasure: random matrix theory
and moments of the Riemann zeta function
Marco Stevens KU Leuven
Jessica Stewart Kelly Christopher Newport University Moment Representations for Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomial Systems
Grzegorz Świderski University of Wrocław Spectral properties of block Jacobi matrices
Paweł J. Szabłowski Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology Generalized Poisson–Mehler summation formula as a source for bivariate orthogonal polynomials on [-1,1]
Jacek Szmigielski University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada Non-smooth waves and Lax integrability; the playground of approximation theory and the theory of distributions
Hillel Tal-Ezer Tel-Aviv University, Israel Non periodic, orthogonal, trigonometric polynomials functions
Nico Temme CWI, Amsterdam
Paul Terwilliger U. Wisconsin Leonard triples of q-Racah type and their pseudo intertwiners
Tom Trogdon University of California, Irvine The high oscillation of special functions
Mikhail Tyaglov Shanghai Jiao Tong University Some determinant formulas for ratio of two series
Walter Van Assche Leuven University
Wouter van de Vijver Ghent University A model for the higher rank Racah Algebra
Luis Verde-Star Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Classical $q$-orthogonal polynomials that have  simple sequences of moments
Luc Vinet CRM – Université de Montréal Tridiagonal representations of the q-oscillator algebra and Askey-Wilson polynomials
Shorab Wali Khan Aligarh Muslim University Integral transforms of generalised k-Mittag-Leffler function
Shahid Ahmad Wani Aligarh Muslim University Approximation by Durrmeyer type Jakimovski-Leviatan operators involving Brenke polynomials
Marcus Webb KU Leuven Spectra of Jacobi operators via connection coefficient matrices
Ian Wood University of Kent
Yuan Xu University of Oregon Positive definite functions on the unit sphere and integral of Jacobi polynomials
Kuan Xu University of Kent Spectral approximation of convolution operator
Semyon Yakubovich University of Porto On certain  identities, connection and explicit formulas for the Bernoulli, Euler numbers and  Riemann’s  zeta-values
Yanely Zaldivar Gerpe Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Inverse results on row sequences of Hermite-Padé approximation
Weiwei Zhang Georgia Institute of Technology