[last update: 30 June 2017]



Please contact opsfa@kent.ac.uk or any of the local organisers if you have any questions or remarks.


Mon 3 July Tue 4 July Wed 5 July Thu 6 July Fri 7 July
09:00–10:00 Registration
Opening Ceremony
David Gómez-Ullate Marta Mazzocco Alexander Its Arno Kuijlaars
10:00–11:00 Arieh Iserles Peter Miller Jonathan Breuer Evelyne Hubert Sylvie Corteel
11:00–11:30 Coffee & tea break Coffee & tea break Coffee & tea break Coffee & tea break Coffee & tea break
11:30–12:30 Margit Rösler Nina Snaith Jacek Szmigielski Szegő prize:
Tom Trogdon
12:30–14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00–16:00 CT CT CT CT
16:00–16:30 Coffee & tea break Coffee & tea break   Coffee & tea break Coffee & tea break
16:30–18:00 CT CT CT
Drinks reception Public lecture Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein Conference dinner


CT: contributed talks (detailed programme will be available by 12 June): duration 20 min + 5 min for questions.


On Wednesday, 5 July, there will be a free afternoon. Optional tours during this free afternoon include:

  • guided Cathedral tour on the 5 July at 14:30 (£15.50 per person with tour and entrance)
  • guided Canterbury Walking tour on the 5 July at 14:30 (£7 per person).