Dr Felipe Otondo talk and workshop

Researcher Dr Felipe Otondo visited our studios and he gave a talk and workshop to our Kent music students. Dr Otondo presented his project SoundLapse and  he diffused live a series of compositions using the MAAST system. The compositions presented at the workshop were made with recorded environmental sounds from Chile’s urban wetlands.

Dr Felipe Otondo is a composer based at the Universidad Austral de Chile. His music has been widely played in festivals in more than 30 countries across Europe, North and South America, and Australia. He leads the Soundlapse transdisciplinary research project, which uses a time-lapse method to preserve the soundscape of urban wetlands. His project is funded by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development.

Dr Otondo and his team commissioned Dr Aki Pasoulas to compose the multichannel piece Wetlands, which is published by Gruenrecorder.

Dr Felipe Otondo (R) with Dr Aki Pasoulas, Director of the MAAST.