University of Manchester: Open Knowledge in Higher Education; a unit for PGCert in HE, delivered by Library staff
In March Sam Aston and Chris Millson from the University of Manchester Library delivered a very interesting LibChat – a talk and workshop on their role in delivering one of the modules that comprises the PGCert in HE at the University of Manchester. The library has delivered this unit since 2015.
They encouraged participants to think about how ‘open’ their practice is and explored ideas of establishing a community practice of openness, where material you’ve produced is shared openly.
Working in small groups, participants brainstormed issues around the concept of ‘openness’:

They explained that the module is divided into 3 topics:
Open Practice, Open Teaching and Learning (Education) and Open Research.
The module itself has evolved and developed as participants have shared their work along the way. The aim is to take down the barrier between ‘student’ and ‘expert’ and in so doing create a different pedagogical approach. Course participants contribute to future Reading Lists. Assessments are published openly rather than though Turnitin, for example. The student therefore ‘owns’ their work and can edit it at any time, constantly reflecting on their own practice.
This event was well attended (29) and provoked some interesting discussion.
We look forward to seeing you at the next LibChat very soon:
Clean clear knowledge?
With Tom Roper, Clinical Librarian, Brighton & Sussex Universities NHS Trust
Friday 18th May
15:00 – 16:30 in D G 01 and D G 02