Call for Papers
Art, Language, Poetry: From Kant to Heidegger
10th-11th September 2014
Department of Philosophy, University of Kent
Stephen Mulhall (Oxford)
Tanja Staehler (Sussex)
This is the first postgraduate conference on aesthetics, philosophy of poetry and language in the Post-Kantian tradition. It revisits a tradition in which aesthetics, philosophy of language and poetry were much less firmly divided, and instead took central and mutually informing positions in the systems of Kant, Hegel, Schelling, the Romantics, leading up to thinkers like Heidegger and Adorno. This conference will look at the fruits of the cooperative labour between philosophy, art and poetry, and ask both what was lost, and what remains from this incredibly productive, but little discussed, tradition in the history of philosophy.
We invite postgraduates to submit 300 word abstracts for papers on aesthetics, philosophy of art and poetry, and related themes (such as metaphysics and history) in the Kantian and Post-Kantian tradition. The deadline for this second call is July 28th
This event is part of the Later German Philosophy forum conference series.
Please send submissions to Luke Moffat at: