Stage 2 – BA (Hons) Architecture

I would advise everyone to get involved in the scheme, especially in the first year, as you are put in the deep end and it’s always good to have someone that has already made the mistakes that you can avoid. It’s also good to get a bit of advice from a student rather than a tutor as sometimes the advice is about pleasing the tutors as best as possible. This has given me first-hand experience of tutoring, and has made me really consider this as a career option following my degree.
Mentee: Tilisha Franklin
I found the whole experience beneficial, the knowledge that there was someone that had experienced the same things as me and completed the same modules reassured me and I found it was a great support system. Also the fact that I could email them any questions or ask for advice and know that they might offer an alternative solution from the tutors was very helpful. Because this course is a design course and everyone has different options on architecture it was nice to know that option was available, especially when preparing for crits as feedback during that time is especially important.
One of the reasons I want to be a mentor next year is because I’ve really appreciated having a mentor this year.