If you are thinking of applying to do an LLM at Kent Law School we’d like to draw a number of exciting developments to your attention.
1. The New Kent LLM
We’ve worked hard over the last number of years to restructure how we deliver our LLM programmes and from this September we launch the Kent LLM, which gives students the flexibility to chose their specialisations until after they have arrived. In addition to our previous programmes, we now add Human Rights to our specialisations. You can read more about the Kent LLM here.
2. Scholarships
The closing date to apply for our scholarships is fast approaching: 17th March. In addition to overseas scholarships we are, for the first time, offering full fee-waivers for Home/EU students. This is an exceptional opportunity so don’t miss the deadline. Full details on our scholarships and on how to apply are available here.
3. Speak with a student
Our student ambassadors will be available to answer your questions about why they chose the LLM at Kent and what studying at Kent means to them. On Wednesday 12th March between 1:30pm and 3:30 pm GMT, 15 minutes bookable slots are available for you to chat with one of our students.
To book a slot, please email klspgoffice@kent.ac.uk quoting your full name, application reference number and Skype Name. We will send you a confirmation email that will include further details including your time slot and our Skype Name. Slots are available on a first come first serve basis.
4. Pre-LLM Summer-School in Paris
In early June we will be running a short pre-LLM summer school in Paris where you will be able to sample what studying for the LLM at Kent is like, in our Paris campus. Full details are available here.