Welcome Back Evening

Last night we welcomed back our LLM students to the Spring term. After a brief information session about internships, employability (the blog mentioned is here) and some discussion of how the course is going we had a very relaxed drinks reception in the foyer of the Law School.

drinks 1 drinks 2 drinks 3

We asked students to pin on a map of the world where they are from:

pin1 pin2 pin3


It was really interesting to see the end results and all the different cultures and experiences that come together in the group:

africa america asia europe 2 europe


And the fun/pestering didn’t stop there. We also asked students to make a New Year’s resolution and write it up on a board… but it had to relate to a legal skill they wanted to improve this year. We think it’s a great time to reflect on something you want to achieve this term. We got some great resolutions:

skill 5 skill1.0 skill1 skill2 skill3 skill4

Happy New Year all and here’s to a great term. With things like the LLM Conference to look forward to we’re confident it’s going to be a great year