You might know a little about KentVision, you might know a lot, but as go live draws nearer Change Sessions are a chance for everyone to get to know more.
We recently offered a number of Change Sessions that were designed to pave the way to KentVision by equipping attendees with an overview of the general principles we should all be familiar with. Now we’re building on that platform by rolling out a programme of sessions targeting more specific areas of change.
So we’re getting in touch to share the plans and ask you to keep an eye out for our next contact. We might approach you personally with an invitation, an open advertisement could pop up on your screen indicating there are sessions available or you could keep up to date with what’s on and sign up on our Change Session SharePoint pages.
Everyone who uses Cressida or SDS now will use KentVision before long, and if that’s you, you will experience some degree of change. Change can be hard, but how hard is determined by how you deal with it. Change is a constant feature in life and the workplace, so whether you naturally embrace change or tend to shy away from it, a great way to start dealing with it positively is to talk about it, anticipate it and make sure you are as prepared as you can be – So have a look at the Change Sessions coming soon and get ready to join the discussion!
Talking and open discussion is a particularly crucial element of the sessions; we endeavor to create an environment in which all attendees feel free to contribute exactly as they wish. We’ll try to have all the answers to hand, but will follow up on anything that requires a little more attention. We’ll use before and after scenarios to discuss the changes we are all going to encounter with KentVision, and what adjustments we can make to our working practices and behaviours to align with the institutional cultural shift taking place alongside the implementation of KentVision.
Some sessions will be for us to reach out to just a few on more contained areas, whilst others will be of interest to many and offered repeatedly according to demand as far as possible. In session, we will explore the need for change, illuminate opportunities, address challenges and encourage open discussion. You can browse more information on each of the sessions planned here, including presentations and related materials as they become available. Upcoming sessions include:
- Enrolment & Registration
- Timetabling & Events
- In Course Student Management
- Student Support
- Attendance Monitoring
- Module Registration & Change
- Partner Colleges & Validated Courses
- PGT Administration
- PGR Administration
- Assessment, Reassessment, BOE & Awards
- Scholarships & Bursaries
- KentVision for Academic Staff
- Finance, Fees & KentVision
A Change Session is also an ideal precursor to training. Although not training in itself (that will follow soon), they are an opportunity to learn about cultural, conceptual and process changes before getting to grips with actually using the new system during training. We will work through the changes to particular aspects of the student lifecycle journey together, looking forward to what KentVision has to offer and what that means for our worldview. Whether changes are at the detailed process level or the conceptual worldview level, they all contribute towards the improvements set out in the KentVision Programme’s objectives:
- Provide an administrative journey that is clear, informative and seamless to all applicants and students
- Create a unified academic administration across central services, faculties, schools and colleges; operating common lean business processes and a single source of high quality authoritative data
- Improve business processes and deliver IT enablement that fulfils the University’s strategy for effective and efficient operation, using standard SITS capability to maximum advantage
- Establish a digital campus with a fully integrated suite of mobile-enabled services for students and staff
- Refine student administration, reducing administrative effort to create time for staff to address other goals and provide a robust and agile foundation for the future
We look forward to speaking with you more soon!
Are you part of a staff networking group who would welcome the opportunity to discuss the forthcoming transition to KentVision in relation to your own area of work? Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss.
STILL THINKING WHAT IS KENTVISION? It’s a complete administration solution for the full student lifecycle. The programme team is working to enrich enrolment to congregations with business process development alongside implementation of a new student management system. Find out more here.